Three men accused of repeatedly raping an 11-year-old girl have been sentenced to prison terms ranging from 18 months to two years. These convictions provoke the anger of many associations for the defense of women’s rights, which are demanding a review of the judgment.
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The affair is making headlines in Morocco. Three men were sentenced for the gang rape of an 11-year-old girl to a maximum of two years in prison. And there is a lot of anger on Wednesday April 5 in the eyes of those who are crying out for “Where’s the tie?” in front of the Rabat courthouse.
The story of this 11-year-old child, from a small village halfway between Rabat and Meknes, has toured the country. She was raped for weeks in secret by three neighbors. Her ordeal only ended when her attackers realized she was…pregnant. It was two years ago.
“We believed in our justice!”
Following a complaint filed by the family, the trial was held on March 20 before the criminal chamber, but the conviction amazes the association which took charge of the little girl. One of the defendants was sentenced to two years in prison, the other two to 18 months. The three men, aged 25, 32 and 37, also have the obligation to pay damages for a total amount of… 4,500 euros.
“We did not expect two years in prison. It is not possible!indignant Amina Khalid, secretary general of the National Institute of Solidarity with Women (INSAF). We believed in our justice!” The association then chose to publicize the affair and organized a sit-in with several other associations for the defense of women’s rights on Wednesday April 5 in front of the Rabat courthouse. They demand the revision of the judgment. “This drama is odious”reacts Soukaina, an activist of the Union of Moroccan Feminist Action who answered the call. Everybody knows it !”
“It is not permitted that this judgment be below what the current penal code provides.”
Soukaina, activist of the Union of Moroccan Feminist Actionat franceinfo
The Moroccan penal code provides for penalties of up to 20 years in prison in the event of rape of minors, but here, many are calling for an overhaul of the text, in order to guarantee minimum sentences for child molesters. An appeal trial is due to take place on Thursday April 6 before the Rabat Court of Appeal, but it will most likely be postponed at the request of the plaintiff’s lawyer.
>>> Morocco: an NGO criticizes the “unfair” sentences against migrants prosecuted following the tragedy in Melilla
Minister of Justice Abdellatif Ouahbi said to himself “shocked” by the judgment, attracting the wrath of the professional association of Moroccan magistrates who judged that the minister’s comments bore “a serious attack on the independence of the judiciary”.