It’s not just Marie Germain alias Milla Jasmine who has taken on a stage name in reality TV: Adixia, Paga, Sarah Fraisou customary of the fact!

No doubt one of Further investigation the most anticipated of recent years. Indeed, since the beginning of the summer, Booba has been at war with Magalie Berdah and the many influencers who come from the world of reality TV. The rapper continues to denounce the practices of the latter and saw a sizeable ally enter his camp with France 2 who made the choice to broadcast a report that partially validated his statements.

In addition to discovering some dubious practices on the part of some, viewers were also able to learn that most reality TV candidates had opted for a nickname. Like Milla Jasmine who saw her true identity revealed this Sunday, September 11. “Here is Marie Germain alias Milla Jasmine, face and body sculpted by the scalpel”was it presented by the journalists of France 2 who qualified it by the term “Stripper in Miami”.

The other real names of reality TV

If many reality TV fans were already aware that Milla Jasmine was only a pseudonym, some were unaware of it until today. However, she is not the only one to have preferred to put her identity aside. Paga, for example, is actually called Anthony Paggini Neuron. His nickname being inspired by his initial name. Same story for his ex, today in a relationship with Simon Castaldi: Adixia. The Belgian is actually called Adeline Romaniello. Sarah Fraisou, meanwhile, was called in the past, and perhaps still today: Sarah Chouiekh.

But these three reality TV candidates are not the only ones to appear on screen under another identity. Shanna Kress wanted to opt for her stage name rather than continue to be called Alicia Cres. Her friend, Kim Glow did the same rather than continuing with Sophie Laune as the name. Jazz, she wanted to keep part of her original first name, but it seems that Jazmin Lanfranchi no longer suited her. Vincent Shogun, meanwhile, is actually called Vincent Cohen Szewczyk. While Liam Di Benedetto has always had the first name Léa. If there are many of them in reality TV, you should also know that telecrochets have also seen people who preferred to change their name to go on stage. Proof of this is with Louane, who is actually called Anne Peichert. Or even Olympe, Joffrey Boulanger of his real name.

See also: Magali Berdah “trapped”: This sequence from the program “Complément d’Enquête sur France 2 which annoyed her!


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