“Supporting high-level athletes in this area will truly remain a priority,” says Gil Avérous.
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“It is not because the theme [du handicap] is not displayed it is not taken into account“in the new government of Michel Barnier, assures Gil Avérous, new Minister of Sports and Parasport, Tuesday September 24 on France Bleu Berry.
There is no Ministry for Disability, but he wants “Learning positive lessons from the Olympic Games” and Paralympic who have “It was an incredible promotion, it really won the hearts of the French. For me, it will really be a priority”assures Gil Avérous.
Regarding its missions, “taking disability into account and supporting high-level athletes in this area will truly remain a priority”. He believes that the country has “much advanced, we will still make much progress on the subject.” And according to him, “It’s not just a question of money. The overall sports budget is showing a decline, but we are in the aftermath of the Olympic Games which are ending, there is also a certain logic”concludes Gil Avérous.