“It’s not a robbery, nor a hold-up,” says Vincent Jeanbrun, spokesperson for the Republican Right group in the Assembly.

The LR MP for Val-de-Marne was the guest of “franceinfo soir” on Thursday, September 12. He answered questions from Agathe Lambret.


Reading time: 12 min

LR MP Vincent Jeanbrun at the National Assembly, July 8, 2024. (ARNAUD JOURNOIS / LE PARISIEN / MAXPPP)

“It’s not a robbery at all, nor a hold-up”assures Thursday September 12 on franceinfo Vincent Jeanbrun, spokesperson for the Republican Right group in the National Assembly, deputy of Val-de-Marne, on the subject of the nomination of Michel Barnier to Matignon, from the right while the left came out on top in the legislative elections.

“A few days, a few weeks ago, it was the left that was going to be chosen by President Macron”continues the deputy who says “happy” to have a Prime Minister and claims that it is “a deep joy” that it comes from “from our ranks”. “Bernard Cazeneuve could have been Prime Minister if the left itself had not prevented his nomination. Left-wing leaders betrayed their voters, which led the president to turn to the camp of the Republican right.”

For Vincent Jeanbrun, Emmanuel Macron “had no other choice but to choose the Prime Minister who today comes from a pivotal family of the National Assembly, it is the Republican Right”. Regarding the fact that Marine Le Pen and the National Rally have assured that they will not censor Michel Barnier for the moment, the MP reacts: “Mrs Le Pen said that she was putting Mr Barnier’s government under surveillance – this is not benevolence. It is her choice. Let us remember that for Mrs Le Pen to bring down Mr Barnier’s government, she must vote with LFI.”

While the Republican MPs validate the principle of participation in a Barnier government, Vincent Jeanbrun explains that it was necessary for the new Prime Minister to say “the vision that would be his, the program that he would implement and what would or would not lead to participation“. “There, he continues, We were more than reassured, we were encouraged to participate in this government”. Among the reasons which reassured, the deputy lists the fact that Michel Barnier “was clear that he would be independent from the Elysée” and that“He said that there was no reserved area, which means that he is the one who will lead the country’s policy.”

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