After the appointment of Nicole Belloubet to the Ministry of National Education, Elisabeth Allain Moreno deplores on France Inter a “waltz of ministers” which is “increasingly worrying”.
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“It’s not a relief, it’s an eternal start again“, exasperated Friday February 9 at the microphone of France Inter Elisabeth Allain Moreno, general secretary of the teachers’ union SE-Unsa, the day after the appointment of Nicole Belloubet to the Ministry of National Education, in place of Amélie Oudéa-Castéra. Elisabeth Allain Moreno believes that this “waltz of ministers worries more and more“.
The general secretary of SE-Unsa She regrets a certain “disrepute“from Emmanuel Macron”for school in France“.”We can clearly see how constantly changing sales reps doesn’t seem to bother him much when we have real difficulties today.“, she laments.
“Continue in the same mess”?
Elisabeth Allain Moreno therefore expects Nicole Belloubet to know if she “really intends to occupy the position of Minister of National Education and be able to show how important social dialogue can be“. She also wonders if “we can have room for maneuver on President Macron’s roadmap or if we are going to continue in the same trouble on a project that does not correspond to the school’s emergencies“.