“It’s not a demonstration, it’s a revolution”, certify the increasingly organized participants

Pots of soup, boxes of toothpaste tubes, garbage bags of warm clothes… Anti-sanitary measures protesters find everything between the stopped trucks, in downtown Ottawa, Thursday, February 10 . It will be two weeks on Saturday that several hundred trucks – nicknamed “the convoy of freedom” – hold a blockade.

>> “Convoy of freedom” in France: the prefect of police of Paris prohibits demonstrations in the capital from Friday

In front of his van, near Parliament, Samuel is grilling steaks on two gas barbecues. He manages a whole stock for the protesters, the “bacon, eggs, soups, toothbrushes, sheets, coveralls. We have everything! Really if you need anything, we are the reference in the area. The world gives everything, it’s is like that all day.” A man has just deposited “bread and chocolatine”. “He will never run out of food, never gas”, says Samuel proudly. We are here for a long time. It’s not a protest, it’s a revolution. It’s global.”

“We look at the United States, they are doing it. In Australia, they are doing it, in France, if I’m not mistaken, too and several places in Europe.”

Samuel, anti-sanitary measures protester

at franceinfo

Samuel assures us that he is ready to stay here for several months. He gave up his physical therapy studies to support the movement.

A little further, Daniel’s tent, where everyone can also serve: “It’s free. We give coffee, cans of soup, all the provisions with toilet paper. We have accessories for babies too, for children. We will have the barbecue afterwards also with sausages.”

>> France, Belgium, the Netherlands… After Canada, how the “freedom convoy” against health measures is spreading

The sinews of war is the fuel that arrives in jerrycans to the truck. “We have people who bring cans, Samuel explains. Yesterday it was a little difficult, the police prevented us from receiving any and arrested everyone who walked with jerry cans. We had pick-ups that came with diesel and they arrested people who brought that. We had a camp, they took everything, but we have our tactics.” Gasoline to run the engines and keep warm for part of the winter, if necessary.

“It’s not a demonstration, it’s a revolution”: the report by Sébastien Paour at the heart of the Ottawa blockade

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