“It’s my backbone”: Antoine de Caunes tenderly evokes his wife Daphné Roulier

It is extremely rare that Antoine de Caunes speaks of the one to whom he has been married for fourteen years, the journalist Daphné Roulier. The 67-year-old host and filmmaker made an exception on Saturday, November 27, 2021, on the plateau of On is live, on France 2.

Antoine de Caunes came to present his book Antoine de Caunes Person, released on October 14th by Editions Sonatine, in which he evokes many personal subjects. Among them, his wife. Léa Salamé said she was particularly touched by the portrait painted by her guest of his wife. Conquered, the journalist thus read an excerpt: “I watch her weather the storms in the face of all the adversities a woman encounters in her life. The passing of time, male condescension, a profession that is shrinking like sorrow. The worry of not finding your place in social play, the violence of professional relationships, the whims of health, those of a growing child. Fidelity to principles, to an attitude, in a word, how many, to a moral.“”I find it very beautiful what you write about your wife“, added Léa Salamé to Antoine de Caunes, who seemed uncomfortable with the idea of ​​talking about his wife. As if talking about her in her book with words was much easier than doing it on a TV set, live in front of thousands of viewers.

I can’t add anything, replied Emma de Caunes’ dad to Laurent Ruquier’s friend. I gave everything.“The former host of Large Journal of Canal + simply added, very modestly, about Daphné Roulier: “This is my spine. “Antoine de Caunes also thanked his better half for supporting him on a daily basis, acknowledging that he was not very easy going.

Before Daphné Roulier, with whom he had his son Jules, now 13 years old, Antoine de Caunes was married to Gaëlle Royer, documentary director and graphic designer with whom he had his daughter Emma, ​​45 years old. He is also the father of Louis, born in 1987, from his love for journalist Agnès Léglise.

This new issue ofWe are live gathered 885,000 viewers, that is to say 15.5% of market share over the four years and more.

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