it’s more and more violent for her on social networks…

It was a noticeable absence! After several months of silence, Loana has made a comeback on Instagram. This Friday, April 15, the former reality TV star posted a video in which we see her in great shape. The one that was revealed by the show “Loft Story” wanted to reassure his community and justify his long absence. “From now on, you will find me more often”, she says. Good news which is however tarnished by the reason for his departure from the social network. “Because I was a little fragile and I suffered a lot from the bad comments on my social networkswhich are becoming more and more virulent”explains Eryl Prayer’s friend in her video.

Today, the time is no longer for gloom, says Loana. The flagship icon of reality TV has decided to take the lead in his life. “But now I also have to think of those who have supported me for years and who without knowing it saved me in many moments. So I’m going to ignore the cons and I embrace those who support me“, she says. A strong message from the star, who also wanted to thank the members of his community. I promise to be much more present. Thank you again for following me and being there for me“, she confided.

An essential setback for Loana which seems to have done her a lot of good. In the caption of her video, she did not hesitate to share her state of mind with Internet users. “I moved away from social networks you will understand why in my video. And especially to come back to you happy and fulfilled! That love and smiles have replaced tears and anguish and it is this Loana that I wanted to show you“.

Turn the page

The last few years have not been kind to Loana. The winner of the first part of “Loft Story” tried to end his life nine times. She recounted her descent into hell in the documentary “Loana, an up and down lofter”broadcast on C8. Shocking revelations from the star, who had also mentioned the abandonment of his daughter, Mindy, or even his difficult childhood.

See also: Loana calls for help…

Helene Bardeau

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