“It’s just fantastic!”, these fans of the Queen spent the night in front of Buckingham Palace

The United Kingdom celebrates the 70 years of reign of the sovereign from this Thursday morning and until Sunday. The kick-off of the celebrations is expected at 11 a.m. in London, during the “Trooping the Colour” parade, which officially marks the birthday of the queen, born in April.

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Testing of microphones and speakers, the barriers already in place on the Mall adjusted… A huge crowd is expected along this great artery in the heart of London leading to Buckingham Palace for Queen Elizabeth II’s platinum jubilee.

>> Elizabeth II’s platinum jubilee: follow the ceremonies organized for the 70 years of the Queen’s reign

This Thursday morning, the military parade “Trooping the Color” (“Salut aux couleurs”) officially marks the birthday of the queen, born in April. This parade with more than 1,400 soldiers, 200 horses and 400 musicians is eagerly awaited by some fans of the royal family. And to be sure of being in the front row, some did not hesitate to sleep on the spot, in tents or folding seats.

It’s my tent! And the other is my friend’s!“, laughs Jane, who has therefore spent the night here. Coming from Winchester, the blonde fifty-something wears a slightly worn plastic crown in the colors of the British flag: she has had it for years and takes it out at each jubilee of the queen . “She means a lot to me! She is a wonderful woman, who never complains! I can’t wait to see the parade, but I’m not sure I’ll see the queen. Maybe she’s saving her energy for the religious ceremony tomorrow. She’s an old woman now and it hurts my heart to say that… But you never know! She’s the Queen and she can do whatever she wants!

This parade with more than 1,400 soldiers, 200 horses and 400 musicians is eagerly awaited by some fans of the royal family.  (FARIDA NOUAR / FRANCEINFO)

Leslie came from Kent. And she didn’t want to miss this jubilee for anything in the world: she takes turns with friends on little folding chairs attached to the barriers. And no doubt, they make all these efforts to be at the forefront. “I’m a fan of the queen: it’s 70 years of reign! It’s just fantastic! So we’re here to show him our support, to let him know we appreciate him! We’re here to celebrate her and show her what she means to us. She is old, you know, and unfortunately she will have to leave us one day and it will be a very sad day. But she is still there! And we’re celebrating this jubilee with her and we’re going to party!

About 1,500 soldiers and musicians will parade for this “Trooping the Colour”, kick-off of the festivities of this jubilee.

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