“It’s important to speak up”: Victim of incest, Corinne Masiero breaks the silence

On September 26, France 3 will broadcast a documentary entitled Incest, say it and hear it, in which Corinne Masiero will break the silence on this very taboo subject. This Monday, in The Morning Magazine on France Inter, the 58-year-old actress spoke about the reasons that led her to testify. “It is important to speak up. It’s the spark that makes things happen after” she confided, she who has already confided in her complicated past for Paris Match but for other reasons.

This speech mustcreate a shock” according to her. “It is a duty to watch this documentary”. It has in particular that in France, nearly seven million people say they have been victims of incest. Asked by host Sonia Devillers, she remembered this “discomfort of a child who would like to escape” within a family that she describes as “laughing, almost normal”.

She was the victim of incest at the age of 8 from a cousin 10 years older than her. The heroine of Captain Marleau described “a little girl jumping on her knees, her hands wandering around, her sex hardening” to tell his own experience.

A feeling of shame

Acts such as “looks, gestures or rubbing”, which had given hima sense of shame”. Since then, she has been fighting against this and in particular against the omerta which is set up in this kind of business until treating the witnesses of “liars and sometimes even sluts”. The one who announced her separation last year with her companion after twenty years of common life thus denounces a trivialization of these attacks.

It is thus a real proof of courage on his part to tell his story. fifty years later, in order to “uncover” on this still taboo subject, which nevertheless “affects everyone equally, everywhere”. She still insisted that you should never force someone to testify because it can be seen as “a second assault.

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