“It’s good to hear it strike midnight!”

The most famous clock in the world rarely strikes since the beginning of heavy restoration works, started three and a half years ago. The transition to the New Year was therefore the perfect opportunity to find her and hear her.

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Reading time : 1 min.

Despite the fine rain, despite the virus, there are thousands of them gathered at the foot of Big Ben. A crowd that overflows on the bridge, or right on the other side of the Thames. Under the cries and in the noise of the fireworks, one barely distinguishes the bell which rings the twelve strokes of midnight. The death knell of 2021.

Finding Big Ben for this transition to 2022 is a strong symbol for Londoners. Eyes raised to the dial, Francis wears a blissful smile. “We really missed her Big Ben. It’s good to hear her strike midnight”, he confides moved. Because like Big Ben, England is also entering a period of post-Brexit and post-Covid reconstruction. “We are still mixing the damage caused by Brexit with that of the Covid but gradually, entering 2022, the real problems that we will encounter as a country, economically, will come to the surface. It will be the fault of Brexit, not at the Covid “, Francis predicted.

Hugs, hugs, no distance is respected and the mask is obviously optional. The instructions of the government seem far away. But the virus is on Marcia’s thoughts at this special moment, as she makes her only wish for the New Year.

“That we put an end to this pandemic and then we can resume the course of our lives normally!”

Marcia, a Londoner

to franceinfo

For this passage in 2022, part of Big Ben’s heaters have been removed, but the work is not finished. After this trial run, Big Ben must ring again regularly from next spring.

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