“It’s going to be the worst weekend of the year”, fears the SPA

On this weekend of crossover holidaymakers in July and August, the Humane Society of Animals recalls that abandonment is “a crime”.

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For some pets, holidays are synonymous with wandering. Like every summer, drop-outs multiply during the summer, and this weekend of crossover between Julyists and Augustians “going to be the worst weekend of the year”dreads the president of the SPA, Jacques-Charles Fombonne. “The long weekends in August will generate, as every year, a large number of abandonments”he added, Saturday July 30, on RTL.

The association’s refuges welcome “more than 8,900 animals”against around 7,500 last year at the same time, an increase of 11%, according to Jacques-Charles Fombonne. “This saturation phenomenon is due to something a little bit new, he advances. Since the beginning of the summer, we have had very little adoption by families.”

The SPA recalls that the abandonment of pets is “an offense”, “liable to five years’ imprisonment and a fine of 75,000 euros if the abandonment is followed by the death of the animal, which is often the case”.

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