“It’s fair compared to my sorrel!”

On a daily basis, Cyril Hanouna is a hit on C8 with his flagship program “Touche pas à mon poste”! With his team, Lino and Bianca’s dad is changing the world. On the set of his talk show, the main interested party also likes to invite stars and anonymous. But last week on Twitter, Matthieu Delormeau, one of his essential columnists made a shocking announcement. After several seasons, the ex-acolyte of Ayem Nour has decided to slam the door!

“After 7 years on the air, I have decided to leave TPMP and TPMP PEOPLE for good”, explained the former host of “NRJ 12” before emphasizing: “Thanks to C8, to the teams, to the antenna, the production and of course to Cyril. Life is good and we are lucky to have several of them”. A decision that continues to intrigue many viewers. Having heard of countless rumours, Cyril Hanouna briefly bounced back on the subject at the start of the week: “I saw that there were a lot of people agitating on Twitter around me. I didn’t see anything, I don’t care, that’s it”.

For his part, Matthieu Delormeau has decided to be more discreet on the networks! To this day, the mystery remains as to his future in the media. In any case, this Wednesday, May 17, 2023, Cyril Hanouna was back in “TPMP”. In one sequence, he wanted to know more about the financial situation of his colleagues. Without a filter, Bernard Montiel recognized that he had come a long way. Wanting to help a friend “trader”, the journalist found himself in a delicate situation…

see also:

“You lose the money and the friend…”

“I lost a lot of money. I stood surety in the bank for someone a long time ago,” confessed Bernard Montiel. “He was someone I trusted and I had to pay for him. I hadn’t read all the lines of the contract properly.” But a few minutes after their exchange, Cyril Hanouna received a call… From Gad Elmaleh! “I just wanted to talk to you about something, do you have a minute?” then launched the comedian. “Brother, you know I’m on the air… Tell me”, added his interlocutor.

“It’s fair compared to my sorrel”, added Gad Elmaleh who was obviously very attentive to his exchange with Bernard Montiel. “Is there anything you can do for my sorrel? […]”. “We have the principle of never lending money to each other”, underlined Cyril Hanouna. What the actor replied with philosophy: “There’s a theory you need to know… If you lend money to a friend, you lose both the money and the friend.” An analysis that earned him the applause of the public. “Cheer”, agreed Emilie’s ex-companion before specifying not without humor: “Whereas if you don’t lend him… You only lose the friend!”

“Let me explain to you why I jumped at the chance to call you, because I have a friend who calls me a lot at the moment and he watches your show… It will dissuade him”, confessed Gad Elmaleh. “So he has his answer”, thus concluded the presenter of “TPMP”. The message got through!


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