Julien Bayou particularly regrets the government’s decision to put the Ecophyto plan on hold.
Reading time: 8 min

“I really feel angry because for 15 days, we were finally talking about farmers’ income which is the major subject and finally, there were measures”reacted Friday February 2 on franceinfo Julien Bayou EELV deputy from Paris after the measures announced in favor of farmers who lifted their blockages.
“Farmers are being pressurized by agro-industry and mass distribution. A farmer cannot sell his milk for more than 40 cents, it is Lactalis who decides. We were finally talking about income and finally, there was measures and diversion and it is ecology which takes the stray bullet, which makes the scapegoat and we will even go backwards on pesticides”laments Julien Bayou.
“The FNSEA obtained the head of the Ecophyto plans”
On phytosanitary measures, the government has also let go, promising in particular that the Ecophyto plan aimed at reducing the use of pesticides would be implemented “on break”a measure qualified as “major setback” by environmental NGOs. “It’s not good for the climate, it’s not good for public health and even less good for the health of farmers who are the first to be affected by Parkinson’s disease, lymphoma and prostate cancer. . They have not had any structuring progress on income”alerts Julien Bayou.
Concerning the Ecophyto plan, “It’s been 15 years since the plans didn’t work because the FNSEA campaigned against it. The FNSEA got the lead on the Ecophyto plans for pesticide reduction”but “it’s the whole of society that is demanding” these plans because “no one wants to send their children to a school where there is pesticide spraying nearby.” For Julien Bayou, the French ecology advocated by Emmanuel Macron, “It’s French nonsense”.