It’s culture’s turn to deconfine

After the restaurants, it will be the turn of the world of culture to deconfine, Monday, with the reopening of performance halls and cinemas.

• Read also: Amateur sport: spectators allowed from February 7

Thus, cultural venues will be able to reopen at 50% of their capacity, up to a maximum capacity of 500 people. The presentation of the vaccine passport will however be required to go see a show or a film.

Places of worship will also be able to reopen at 50% of their capacity, up to 250 people, provided that they impose the vaccination passport. Otherwise, they will have to content themselves with celebrating a funeral with a maximum of 50 people.

“I think this is very good news for all of us,” enthused the Minister of Culture, Nathalie Roy, giving an update on the revival of the cultural community on the airwaves of LCN, Sunday.
“Culture and the arts are coming back to life. I invite people to buy their tickets and go. It will do you good mentally and in the soul, ”continued the minister who wishes that the cultural community can recover from the pandemic.

Coming out of the pandemic

In addition, the Minister hopes that the announcement of this new deconfinement will be the last.
“We do not want to play yo-yo with our performance halls. You know, our room owners have been extremely resilient, they have been very disciplined, they have applied the sanitary measures well. […] We don’t want to play again in the film stop, go back, stop, go back, ”assured Ms. Roy.

“What I want is to announce a reopening at full capacity soon. We are waiting for the green light from public health, ”continued the minister.

However, the number of hospitalizations, which still exceeded 2,400 on Saturday, continues to call for caution. “There is still load shedding. There are still about sixty people who die every day. Over ten days, 600 Quebecers die of COVID-19,” said Nathalie Roy.

While waiting for a return to normal, the government promises to continue to help the cultural community financially, in particular by compensating unsold tickets due to restrictions on the number of places available. “There are $114 million that have been spent to compensate 12,000 performances across Quebec. We will continue with this measure, ”assured the minister.


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