“It’s complicated”: Joy Hallyday in cold with her nephew Cameron? Rare secrets about his family

Will the Hallyday family end up being reconciled one day? Almost five years after the death of the singer, on December 5, 2017, the fractures seem for the moment still as deep, difficult to overcome between his heirs who clashed in court over the question of inheritance. If an arrangement has now been found between his widow, Laeticia Hallyday on the one hand and his two eldest, David and Laura on the other, there is no question of a reunion yet.

And this story, managed between adults, ended up impacting the children of the family, as Joy Hallyday confided: the almost 14-year-old teenager, very active on Tik Tok, answered a rare question about Cameron, the son youngest of his big brother David. Reacting to the comment of one of her subscribers explaining to her that she knew her cousin, she first replied “I don’t have a cousin“, before realizing that the girl was talking about Cameron.

Resulting from the marriage between David Hallyday and the Monegasque heiress Alexandra Pastor, Cameron was born in 2004 and therefore does not have many years of difference with Jade and Joy Hallyday, his two aunts, with whom he grew up. However, the three teenagers have been separated by this media story of inheritance and are no longer really in contact, information confirmed by Joy. “My nephew but today it’s complicated“wrote the girl in the comment before adding:”It’s a bit complicated like we don’t talk to each other anymore”.

Will they ever meet again? Laeticia Hallyday, in an interview in the Parisian a few months ago, had mentioned an outstretched hand towards the first two children of Johnny Hallyday, whom they would have refused to seize. “We have a feeling of abandonment, my daughters no longer exist for them. I think with time things will calm down […] and I hope that one day Jade and Joy will find their brother and their sister” she admitted with hope. David and Laura, meanwhile, have never wanted to address this subject in the press, preferring to keep their private life very secret.

Cameron Smet, meanwhile, did not respond to his aunt’s revelation and for good reason: unlike Jade and Joy, or even his older half-sisters Ilona and Emma Smet, the young man is extremely discreet and does not displayed on any social network, preferring to remain anonymous for the moment. However, this does not prevent him from being touched by the family talent: drummer, he seems very attracted to filming, as his father had declared in 2019: “He wants to be in the world of cinema. I think about producing films, directing films. He wants to create. There is this desire to build something“.

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