“It’s complicated”, Florence Foresti speaks like never before about her daughter and what she is going through

During adolescence, the parent-child relationship is often not in good shape. At issue: the desire for rebellion, the questioning of pre-established assumptions, the quest for identity and “who I am”; which are supported by exploding hormones. And celebrities are clearly not spared from this complicated period for their grown-up child.

Recently, Florence Foresti spoke about the difficult phase that her 16-year-old daughter is going through, Tony. Fruit of her love with Julien Mairesse, the young woman is in full adolescence, and “it is complicated”. With her, it is not necessarily a rebellious child that the comedian is dealing with, but rather a child who regularly goes through moments “dejection”.

See also: “I’m having a little trouble there”: Florence Foresti uncomfortable live on the set of “C à vous”

Florence Foresti’s daughter, unhappy?

It highlights the responsibility of social networks, which drown our big kids “under a flood of information” anxiety-provoking in several aspects. “They’re taking all this in their faces, they’re unhappy (…) I think our young people are unhappy. Well, I don’t think I know everything. I don’t think my daughter is unhappy at all costs, but it goes through moments (…) moments of confusion, even of despondency! What can make them dream today? It’s complicated to live well with what they all eat days”. Faced with this generational distress, the comedian tries to reassure his teenager by showing him an example.

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