“It’s completely ridiculous to think about changing the candidate now, it won’t happen,” assures the spokesperson for the Democrats in France.

The American President was ordered to give up his place in the race for the White House by the American daily newspaper the New York Times on Friday, June 28, after his shipwreck during the televised debate against Donald Trump the day before. Out of the question for Amy Porter, the spokesperson for the Democrats in France, a guest on franceinfo.


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Out of the question that Joe Biden will give up his place to the spokesperson of the Democrats in France (STAN GILLILAND / MAXPPP)

“It’s completely ridiculous to think about changing the candidate now, it won’t happen”assures, Saturday June 29, on franceinfo Amy Porter, spokesperson for Democrats Abroad France while the American newspaper New York Times calls on Joe Biden to give way to a younger Democratic candidate to face Donald Trump.

The Democratic president’s catastrophic performance during the first debate with the Republican candidate sowed disorder in his own camp. “He was a little too prepared in my opinion: too many numbers, statistics in his head. He could have just spoken from the heart as he knows so well how to do.”regrets Amy Porter. “Most voters don’t read the New York Times”she explained, doubting the influence of the editorial of the famous American newspaper on voters. “The media will have another 48 hours of fun talking about this and then they will move on. Joe Biden will not be replaced.”she assures.

franceinfo: Are Democrats panicking?

Amy Porter: We need to separate the commentators from the people who are in the trenches doing the work. It was 90 minutes where Biden did not shine. I’m not going to tell you that you saw something that you didn’t see. He hasn’t been in good shape. But that doesn’t change the fact that his opponent, Donald Trump, still wants to deport 11 million people, wants to ban abortion everywhere and not just in the 21 states where it is already banned and that he wants to dismantle the democracy of the interior.

Donald Trump’s program will not change depending on the identity of the candidate he faces. So why want to replace it?

It’s completely ridiculous to think about changing the candidate now. It’s not going to happen. I can tell you that around Joe Biden’s inner circle, it’s not on the table. On Friday night in North Carolina, he said: “You can even knock me down, I always get back up”. I still find it fascinating that the New York Times say that Joe Biden, who has had an exceptional record for three and a half years, should step down. They never asked for Trump to step down with “his 34 times guilty” and again his 54 charges not yet judged, his half a billion penalties for fraud. Why is he suitable to be a candidate? He didn’t come to debate, Trump. Joe Biden came to debate. He was a little too prepared in my opinion: too many figures, statistics in his head. He could have just spoken from the heart as he knows how to do so well. Trump did not answer a single question. He gave his rally speech, he lied 50 times in 90 minutes. I think it’s a record.

Do you think the New York Times call can have an impact on voters?

Most voters don’t read the New York Times. I’m sorry to say it. There are approximately 160 million voters in the United States, there were 40 million viewers for this debate, so one in four people. Additionally, 90% of voters have already decided who they are going to vote for. There are very few people who are still undecided and personally, I think this debate will not change anything because the two agendas are not changing and the Republican Party agenda is just scary.

What are Joe Biden’s strengths?

Joe Biden’s asset is that he has a lot of experience, so you could say that’s his Achilles heel. But it’s also the asset. He knows how to move the ‘schmilblick’ forward, as they say in good French. He’s someone who knows all the leaders around the world, he’s been a foreign affairs specialist for years. He’s someone who’s not going to side with dictators and people who invade their neighboring country for no reason. He’s someone who’s not going to withdraw us from NATO, who’s not going to withdraw us from the climate agreements like Trump has already done. Trump wants more guns, he wants to control women’s bodies, he wants to pollute the air.

Is it still possible to replace Joe Biden a few months before the presidential election?

It’s true that mechanically, it’s very difficult to replace a candidate at this stage, but also, politically, it makes no sense. Joe Biden will not be replaced. The media will have fun for another 48 hours talking about this and then they will move on to something else. Joe Biden will not be replaced

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