“It’s part of the decisions that take us to the wall”, reacts on Friday on franceinfo the national secretary of EELV, after the remarks of Emmanuel Macron in Dunkirk, repeating that it was no longer necessary to “add” environmental standards.
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“It’s climaticidal”protested Friday May 12 on franceinfo Marine Tondelier while Emmanuel Macron repeated the same day in Dunkirk that it was no longer necessary “add” environmental standards after calling for a “break” regulations at European level. For the national secretary of EELV, “It’s part of the decisions that take us into the wall”. “We are at a point in history where we cannot guarantee children born in 2023 that the planet will still be habitable when they turn 30.”
>> Environment, industry, agriculture … These European rules for which Emmanuel Macron calls for a “pause”
“It’s still a problem when you present yourself as the president of ‘make the planet great again’ and who wanted to be greener than everyone on the planetary level”recalls Marine Tondelier. “He travels to Dunkirk to support industries of the future… But the car is the industry of the past! Even the electric car. We must move towards more sobriety. In France, there are more square meters of road than living space per capita.”
The national secretary of Europe Ecology-The Greens finds “even more shocking” that the President of the Republic travels to the North “without any regard for the employees of Valdunes”, “the only ones to produce train wheels in France”, “the wheel of the TGV speed record”. The 336 employees of the company based in Leffrinckoucke and Trith-Saint-Léger were let go last Friday by their Chinese shareholder. The CGT de Valdunes said it had asked Emmanuel Macron for a meeting during his trip, with no return at this stage.