“It’s as if someone had exchanged the babies in the maternity ward”, quips Cali whose songs are found by mistake on the Wampas disc

Lhe last vinyl of the Wampas was interchanged with that of Cali following a manufacturing error.

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Due to a manufacturing error, the last vinyl of the Wampas was inverted with that of the singer Cali, reveals Friday, October 21 France Bleu Roussillon. Result, by buying the vinyl of the group, the fans heard the voice of the Catalan singer.

“It’s as if someone had exchanged the babies at the maternity ward”, laughs Cali. The singer admits all the same to have been “a little upset” when he heard the news. “My record ended up in the wild 15 days before its official release. When you know all the work, the difficulties, the energy that the release of a new album requires: it would be good if everyone did their job properly”, he explains. Contacted by France Bleu Roussillon, the record manufacturer has not responded yet.

As for the Wampas, the news also seems to be going rather well. “I spoke with Didier Wampas, he takes this misadventure with a smile. He said to me: ‘like that, you will have more fans!'”smiles Cali.

On social networks, most fans joke about this case: “I’m going to get Cali’s album, maybe I’ll find some unreleased Rolling Stones there”quipped a surfer on Facebook. “He’s going to be a collector, that one!”adds another.

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