La Rochelle has its Old Port, its three famous towers, its Big Clock and its Aquarium ! We first take you to dive into the 82 pools that make up the establishment and rub shoulders with the 12,000 marine animals that live there, a miniature boat ride and meet Rochelais in love with their city and its heritage. Let’s go ?
The La Rochelle Aquarium, from generation to generation
The story of the La Rochelle Aquarium is that of a family passion that we tell you about with the founder’s granddaughter, Amber Beniernow director of the Aquarium.
– Adrian Hij/EyeEm
A miniature port for young and old
Another family story is at the origin of the curious and wonderful theme park of miniature boats and merry-go-rounds, located in Saint-Savinien-sur-Charente, 70 km from La Rochelle. The “Miniature Port” was built 35 years ago, on July 14, 1987. Happy birthday! Stephanie Dumerge, the founder’s daughter, has taken over the reins of the park and shows us around. We dream of going there for a boat trip.
Crisp anecdotes to discover local history
And then more stories and anecdotes about the city and its region with the tourist blogger NicoLaRochelle, and a legend, that of the Fairy Mélusine, that comes to tell us guide Anne Lepelletier.
The green initiative of the day is that of Deer Manual which combines environmental preservation, utility and aesthetics by making furniture from milk cartons. It’s Urban’ext and it’s amazing.