“It’s an ulcerating step back”, the anger of Nathalie Péchalat after her ousting from the presidency of the federation

Cold shower at the French Federation of Ice Sports (FFSG). The president of the FFSG, Nathalie Péchalat, was not re-elected on Saturday June 25, after two years in office. She had arrived to replace Didier Gailhaguet, pushed out after the revelations of sex scandals in skating. But the 162 club presidents called to vote today preferred an almost unknown to him: Gwenaëlle Noury, who leads the Lorient club and whom some suspect ofwork for Didier Gailhaguet.

franceinfo: You accept the vote and say that you will not file an appeal. On the other hand, you do not hide your anger…

Natalie Pechalat: I think Didier Gailhaguet has been working on this for two years. Let them lather the plank to show that the Federation, without him, is not able to turn. He completely led the campaign of Gwenaelle Noury, made him his program. You look in detail, it’s exactly the same in 2014 as in 2018.

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“The specter of Didier Gailhaguet is clearly present. Everyone inside ice sports is well aware of that.”

Nathalie Pechalat

at franceinfo

Then, how will it go next? Will he work in the shadows? Or have a mission at the Federation? I know absolutely nothing about it.

The potential return of Didier Gailhaguet, is it something that strikes you?

It’s ulcerating. It’s a step back. We had a whole different system of values ​​that benefited all licensees, as well as the general public. There, we return to the methods of the past, to individual promises. I’m glad I’m no longer part of it.

What are you afraid of now?

Gwenaelle Noury made a lot of promises to the clubs. I hope she will be able to hold them. I hope that top athletes will stay focused on their sporting and non-sporting goals. I hope it will keep rolling. There is no reason. I hope that we will have values ​​that will be solid, that will be attractive to young people. I’m not hiding from you that today, I’m not very confident when I see how the implementation of Gwenaëlle Noury ​​unfolded. But I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt.

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