“It’s an excellent sign that we send to our fellow citizens, democracy works”, says Yaël Braun-Pivet

“It’s an excellent sign that we send to our fellow citizens, democracy works”, welcomes Yaël Braun-Pivet, the president of the National Assembly and Renaissance deputy for Yvelines, Thursday August 4 on France Inter. The deputies and senators reached an agreement on the second part of the measures on purchasing power in a joint committee on Wednesday.

Despite the absence of an absolute majority, Yaël Braun-Pivet welcomes “constructive discussions” and “fruitful and frank discussions” which, according to her, allowed “build compromises, with the senators, in the interest of the French”. “Everyone has to make an effort, take steps towards each other, and that’s what happened for a month”believes the President of the Assembly.

Yaël Braun-Pivet denies having mainly found support on the right to get the text across. “It’s a trompe l’oeil vision, it’s not completely accurate”she assures. “Many measures have been adopted much more widely than with the votes of the majority or the right”adds the deputy, citing for example the deconjugalization of the Allowance for Disabled Adults voted “unanimously”.

“What I saw in this hemicycle for a month was a living democracy, debates of ideas and sometimes convergences of ideas on the right and also on the left.”

Yaël Braun-Pivet, President of the National Assembly and Renaissance MP for Yvelines

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“In the end, the text includes a number of measures from the presidential program which will very quickly benefit the French and that’s what matters to us”says Yaël Braun-Pivet. “It’s very concreteshe continues, the measures voted will be useful to the French from the start of the next school year, in a month.

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