The European Commission on Thursday banned its employees from using the Chinese application. “When you use a social network, apart from the fact that it hacks your device, you give access to personal data”, explains the MEP EELV.
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“It is a very bad idea to use this social network which is probably used by China to have access to a certain amount of data”, estimated Thursday on franceinfo David Cormand, European deputy Europe-Ecology The Greens (EELV). The European Commission on Thursday banned the use of the Chinese application TikTok on the professional devices of its staff in order to “protect data” of the institution. Other EU bodies are considering adopting this measure.
“When you use a social network, apart from the fact that it hacks your device, you give access to personal data. They have enormous value and allow artificial intelligence to work”warns David Cormand.
“This is called surveillance capitalism, which is practiced by China. You have to be very vigilant with that, even more so when it’s a totalitarian state that controls a social network.”
David Cormand, MEP EELVat franceinfo
TikTok isn’t the only problem. “It’s analogous to the Gafamexplains David Cormand. Why is Elon Musk investing so much money in Twitter? It’s not for good works but because there is a race for Data which is our personal data. It has enormous value because it allows for espionage, political control and business.”
The MEP insisted on the importance of protecting personal data. For him, “it is a democratic, fundamental question” in which we must invest ourselves with “more force than what we are doing today”.