“It’s a very bad idea”, reacts MEP Pierre Larrouturou, regarding the tightening of conditions of access to rights

The head of the list of the “Changer l’Europe” collective reacts to the announcements made by the government on Wednesday regarding unemployment insurance.


Reading time: 8 min

Pierre Larrouturou, Nouvelle Donne MEP, guest of franceinfo, Sunday January 28, 2024. (FRANCEINFO)

“That’s a very bad idea”, reacts Wednesday May 22 on franceinfo Pierre Larrouturou, head of the list of the “Changer l’Europe” collective in the European elections. The outgoing “Nouvelle Donne” MEP was questioned about the announcements made by the government regarding unemployment insurance.

The Ministry of Labor confirmed on Wednesday that it wanted “harden” the conditions allowing the opening of rights to unemployment insurance within the framework of its new reform: you will have to have worked eight months in the last 20 months, instead of six months in the last 24 months currently. The Prime Minister will unveil the outlines of the new unemployment insurance reform on Sunday. Gabriel Attal asked Catherine Vautrin, Minister of Labor, to consult the social partners on the contours of the future reform.

To explain his point of view, Pierre Larrouturou takes the example of Germany. “This is what the country did 20 years ago”he said. “It works from a statistical point of view because we can cross people out but, he tempers, In Germany today, there are six million people who have been forced to accept odd jobs.” The candidate continues: “They are therefore not unemployed but they have jobs of 10 hours per week and they have on average 538 euros per month to live on.” A finding “humanly dramatic” And “From an economic point of view, these six million people do not have the means to buy Mercedes and Germany is falling into recession.”

On the fact that the government thinks that by reducing compensation we are pushing for a return to employment, Pierre Larrouturou does not agree. According to him, a return to employment, “it’s only if there are jobs across the way”.

Finally, asked about his desire for a list uniting the left and ecology for the European elections, he replied: “We did everything to reach out to Raphaël Glucksmann (socialist) and Marie Toussaint (EELV), they did not want to take our hand and we regret it, even though we have a real project on social issues and on the climate.

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