“It’s a troublesome disease but it’s not serious”, according to infectiologist Benjamin Rossi



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To better understand and analyze this epidemic situation, Benjamin Rossi, infectious disease specialist, was invited to the 23h set of franceinfo.

Faced with the epidemic monkeypoxeBenjamin Rossi, infectious disease specialist at the Robert-Ballanger hospital in Aulnay-sous-Bois wants to be reassuring. “It’s a troublesome disease, infected people are isolated for three weeks, are in pain, are tired. But it’s not serious”, he assures. Regarding the precautions to be taken, in particular with “contact tracing”, he believes that this time, unlike the Covid, the method can work. With monkeypox, “it’s easier to trace the cases”.

On the other hand, the infectiologist refuses, for the moment, any national vaccination. He also acknowledges the lack of vaccine doses. “We are behind on this. We need more”, he says. Benjamin Rossi confirms that the virus behaves like a sexually transmitted infection. As a reminder, 1,700 cases have been identified in France.

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