“It’s a social drama that is playing out”, laments the mayor of the town

Nestlé announced Thursday the closure of the Buitoni factory at the Caudry site (North). She had been implicated in the case of contaminated pizzas.

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The Buitoni pizza factory in Caudry, in front of which employees pile up tires, on March 30, 2023. (FRANCOIS LO PRESTI / AFP)

“It is a social drama that is playing out at the moment with us”, laments on franceinfo Frédéric Bricout, mayor of Caudry, after the announcement Thursday, March 30 by the Nestlé group of the permanent closure of its Buitoni factory in this northern town, one year after the case of contaminated frozen pizzas. One hundred and thirty employees are threatened on this site, and “hundreds of families will therefore be affected [par cette annonce] in the midst of an energy and economic crisis”.

The mayor of Caudry directly implicates Nestlé, which he accuses of “not having respected its employees nor assumed its faults”. He is referring here to the health scandal of Fraîch’Up pizzas, accused of having caused the death of two children and the contamination of dozens of people with the bacterium Escherichia coli. “Trust is broken” with the group, adds Frédéric Bricout.

The mayor now puts all hope in research “of a serious buyer”. Frédéric Bricout also specifies that he has “some tracks” on this subject, without giving further details. It asks the State to support employees, local authorities but also “the future buyer so that everything goes for the best”.

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