“It’s a slap in the face for the queen”: Meghan Markle violently attacked by her father in the press

While the English royal family and many guests from all over Europe gathered on March 29 in Westminster for a tribute ceremony to Prince Philip who died in 2021, the event was sadly marked by the absence of the couple formed by the Prince Harry and Meghan Markle…

About a year ago, Queen Elizabeth II appeared alone and masked (due to health restrictions) for the funeral of her husband Prince Philip, who died at the age of 99. This time, for the anniversary of his death, the royal family was able to organize a mass in honor of the deceased at Westminster Abbey in London. A moment of contemplation that could have been completely appeased if the absence of Meghan Markle had not infuriated the father of the latter, Thomas Markle. Indeed, the latter spoke in the DailyMail to strongly criticize the attitude of her daughter and her husband, Prince Harry. “It was very important for the Queen to attend the ceremony, to show her respect and to give thanks to Prince Philip for all of his life. It is unforgivable. The British people won’t forgive them for this, and they shouldn’tthe 77-year-old said before adding, I don’t know what the reason was, but there is no excuse. It’s a slap in the face for the Queen and the British people“.

And the father of the Duchess of Sussex is not the only one to have displayed his dissatisfaction. The former officer in charge of the protection of Prince Philip, Richard Griffinfollowed in his footsteps by declaring not without resentment: “All this bullshit about not being able to get protection, that’s a lousy excuse to me. He should have been here to honor his grandfather.” Prince Harry, who has lived in Los Angeles since he left his princely duties, is no longer in the odor of holiness in his family. That didn’t make things any better…

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