“It’s a sign that there is a problem with the sector”, warns Julien Bayou

The deputy Europe Ecologie-Les Verts (EELV) of Paris, Julien Bayou, denounces the French nuclear strategy after the discovery of cracks on the power stations of Penly and Cattenom.

“It’s a sign that there is a problem with the sector” nuclear, estimates this Friday March 10 on franceinfo the deputy Europe Ecology-The Greens (EELV) of Paris Julien Bayou, after the discovery Thursday of new cracks “non negligable” on two reactors of the Penly nuclear power plant, in Seine-Maritime and Cattenom, in Moselle, only two days after the discovery of a deep crack in the Penly 1 reactor, on an emergency pipe used to flood water the reactor in the event of a nuclear accident.

“You discover cracks that don’t have to be. It’s a sign that you have to stop and take a look at what works and what can be a problem”points out the ecological deputy. “Let’s think a little”he suggests, while‘”Today you have a bill that aims to speed up and further accelerate the construction of new reactors”. “We are told: we are going to build 14 nuclear power plants for 20 years, from a model that does not yet work”explains the ecologist deputy, who warns about the delays of the EPR of Flamanville, in the Channel.

“Betting our entire energy strategy on a technology that is expensive and of which we do not know if it works, I find that dogmatic”

Julien Bayou

in the 8.30 of franceinfo

The government wants to build six new generation EPR reactors (the EPR2), with an option for eight others, while the only EPR under construction in France is now 12 years behind its initial commissioning and its cost has increased. has been multiplied by four. According to him, “no environmentalist is in favor of closing the power stations today”.

VIDEO. Financing of new nuclear reactors: “We do not need a new tax”, assures Agnès Pannier-Runacher

“We accuse environmentalists of wanting to close nuclear power”, has also developed the deputy EELV. But the deputy for Paris wonders about “the question of waste” which is a “civilizational issue”, according to him. Julien Bayou also warns of the challenge of cooling power plants in the years to come. “You know that today, most power plants are next to rivers whose flow is decreasing”asks the MP. “The flow of the Rhône is worrying and we are being offered to put two or more (nuclear power plants)”he worries.

At the beginning of March, a study carried out by the Rhône-Mediterranean-Corsica water agency warned in particular of the drop in the flow of the river. According to the report, the first constraints could indeed apply to the nuclear power stations of the Rhone Valley, with the recommendation of a drop in production at certain times, in particular for the three power stations of Tricastin, Saint-Alban and Bugey. “Is nuclear power compatible with the effects of climate change? Today, the answer is no”believes the Green MP.

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