“It’s a relief”, reacts the president of the National Council of Ethics of the French Football Federation

Patrick Anton, the president of the National Council of Ethics of the French Football Federation, expressed his “relief” on franceinfo after the resignation of Noël Le Graët from his post as president of the FFF.

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“It is a relief”reacted Patrick Anton, president of the National Council of Ethics of the French Football Federation, after the announcement of the resignation of Noël le Graët. “It’s a relief to see his resignation, did he declare. It’s not a victory. No one had a fight to fight.”

Patrick Anton insisted that Noël Le Graët was “a great president”, but “it is perhaps the mandate of too many”. “What I fear and that’s why we called very early on for the resignation of President Le Graët, is that his past, unfortunately, is fading before the latest turbulence that there has been and the behavior that has been revealed to the whole of France”, he explained.

“It is absolutely necessary to draw the consequences.”

Patrick Anton, President of the National Ethics Council of the French Football Federation

at franceinfo

For the president of the National Council of Ethics of the French Football Federation, we must start on new bases now. “We can’t help it, we’re going to go back and finally be able to talk about football and not about what’s going on behind the scenes.”

The time has come for changes within the Comex of the Federation, according to him: “Nobody within the Comex, with the system of blocked lists, dared to contradict President Le Graët. Tomorrow we will have to find a statutory or other solution that will allow opposition to manifest itself”, hopes Patrick Anton.

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