Guest Thursday on Franceinfo, Eddie Jacquemart, president of the National Housing Confederation, regrets the appointment of Renaissance MP Guillaume Kasbarian as Minister Delegate in charge of Housing.
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“Tonight, we can say that the appointment of this minister is a real slap in the face to the entire housing sector”reacted Thursday February 8, on franceinfo Eddie Jacquemart, president of the National Housing Confederation, after the announcement of the appointment of Renaissance MP Guillaume Kasbarian as Minister Delegate in charge of Housing.
It is “a minister who passed a law which confuses poorly housed people with squatters. It is a real declaration of war on tenants. He has passed a law of repression against tenants and tenant associations. This evening “is not good news for the CNL”castigates Eddie Jaquemart.
Guillaume Kasbarian “arrives in a ministry where we have a historic housing crisis with catastrophic figures at all levels. It is a real red alert at all levels with 2.6 million applicants for social housing, 82,000 homes built in 2023 , the lowest figure since 2005, people and children sleeping outside. I am very worried about this minister who will be the good little soldier of Mr. Macron and Mr. Attal and who will attack the SRU law” . “I am completely disappointed” of this appointment and “I would have preferred that there was no minister”.