“It’s a lot there …”: A photo of injured Rebecca Hampton worries, she explains!

Since the announcement of the cessation of More beautiful life, whose grand finale will be broadcast on France 3 next November, Rebecca Hampton is not in top form… It must be said that since 2004 she has been camping lawyer Céline Frémont, one of the main characters in Mistral. It’s a whole part of his life that is shaken up. She thus left Marseille to settle in Paris, but nevertheless kept a strong tie for the Marseille city.

Saturday August 27, 2022, the pretty 49-year-old blonde shines on the spot. She takes to her Instagram account to share with her more than 115,000 loyal subscribers a new photo, taken during an art exhibition on the Cannebière. Above, Rebecca Hampton appears sunglasses screwed on the nose, the hair raised behind and outlines a shy smile. Her red tank top reveals a white bandage around his elbow. It was enough for Internet users to worry! In comments, many of them ask for news and try to find out what happened. Faced with these questions, the ex-companion of Serge Dupire, to whom she gave the reply in More beautiful life, explains. Rebecca Hampton thus evokes a “operational concern“, and more a “second elbow operation in a month and a half. Also, the actress believes that “it’ll be OK” even though “that’s a lot there“…

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