“It’s a health and managerial relief”, underlines the National Association of HRDs

The deputy national vice-president of ANDRH, Benoît Serre, however said on Tuesday on franceinfo to expect “an in-between phase” for employees, between the end of wearing a mask and maintaining a form of caution.

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“It is not because it is now authorized not to wear the mask that it becomes forbidden to do so”, reacted on Tuesday March 8 on franceinfo Benoît Serre, deputy national vice-president of the National Association of Human Resources Directors (ANDRH). The Minister of Labor Elisabeth Borne has indeed announced the suspension of the health protocol in companies from March 14.

If he greets “health and managerial relief” thanks to a “very strong decision”iHowever, he expects “an in-between phase” during which employees who are more worried or who live with vulnerable people go “continue to protect themselves individually”. “I will not be surprised if, when someone has the onset of a cold, we see the masks reappear as a precaution”, imagine the HRD of L’Oréal France. Despite everything, he recognizes that this development corresponds to “a need for conviviality and collective”.

Benoît Serre recalls that, despite the suspension of the health protocol in companies on March 14, the wearing of a mask may still be imposed in companies which decide to do so. “The employer retains criminal responsibility for the protection of his employees, he can therefore reimpose protective measures if he deems it” necessary, explains the deputy national vice-president of the ANDRH. According to him, however, human resources departments will have to “avoid effects of zeal” because “if people don’t understand why, it will be difficult to implement it”.

As for the future of telecommuting, “acclaimed by many employees”it is according to Benoît Serre “likely” that the issue generates tensions within companies. “There are managers who are reluctant to work from home because they find that it disrupts the collective functioning of the company or its productivity too much, which does not seem to be true when you look at the 2021 results of the companies. It is true that that can create tensions. It will have to be managed intelligently”anticipates the deputy national vice-president of the ANDRH.

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