“It’s a disguised family drama”, Disappearance of Emile, Pascal Praud, furious, implores a listener who goes too far to keep quiet

While the bones of little Émile were found near the hamlet of Vernet, the affair continues to sadly excite the entire country. This Sunday March 31, 2024, the prosecutor of Aix-en-Provence Jean-Luc Blachon, it was confirmed that the skull and bones found by a hiker, are indeed those of the little two-year-old boy, missing since July 8 2024. A macabre discovery which comes the day after a reconstruction organized by the gendarmes in the hamlet of 25 inhabitants. A scenario organized by the police in order to cross-check all the elements and try to detect a new lead to explore…

Disappearance of Émile: a Europe 1 listener relaunches the thesis of family drama
Today, it is the circumstances of the boy’s death that intrigue both the media and French citizens. This Wednesday, April 3, 2024, Pascal Praud returned to the affair on the radio microphone Europe 1. He then spoke with Geneviève, a listener living in the Somme who did not fail to give her hypotheses concerning the death of Émile.

What I feel and what I am going to express is a completely personal feeling that concerns only me. I don’t have the truth. Personally, I don’t think it was an accident. I think it’s a family drama. After escaping the vigilance of his grandparents and his uncles and aunts who were present there, I think that little Émile returned to his grandparents after having made a small escape” she said.

Pascal Praud: his cash response to the theories about Émile’s grandfather
Enough to force Pascal Praud to intervene to explain that we should not make hasty conclusions. “First, we introduced this grandfather. I’m not sure it’s exactly as it was presented. I find that with this family, we don’t take many gloves off from the start. You have to think about your misfortune, your drama” he clarified.

Determined to make herself heard, the listener then went one step further: “He was seen by two witnesses. One saw him go down and the other saw him come up. The dogs stopped at the washhouse. I think that Émile returned to his grandparents and that he was the object of a violent correction from his grandfather, whose past mentioned was violent. Unfortunately, this correction turned into a drama“.”It’s a family drama that could have been disguised as a disappearance“.

And Pascal Praud reframes the listener once again: “So, Geneviève, I might make you angry. You are doing everything I don’t like. Excuse me. You don’t know anything about it! I do not know ! We don’t know anything about it! (…) Pwhy say this grandfather? You realize ? You accuse this grandfather without proof! Without anything !“. The young woman then replied: “I’m not accusing him. I express a feeling!“.

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