“It’s a crazy surprise!” : Alizée and Grégoire Lyonnet return to Dancing with the Stars!

Nine years ago, they won the precious trophy of Dance with the stars. On September 30, 2022, Alizée and Grégoire Lyonnet once again walked the floor of TF1 to surprise Carla performing a salsa with her partner. Surprise guests of this show, the parents of Maggy (born in November 2019) and creators of the Lyonnet dance studio in Ajaccio appeared more complicit than ever in the face of Camille Combal and the jury composed of Bilal Hassani, François Alu, Chris Marques and Marie -Agnes Gillot.

It’s a crazy surprise!

The winners of season 4! Nice to see you here!” exclaims Camille Combal following their performance. “U.S. too ! Oh what stress!” confides the interpreter of the title Me… Lolita, out of breath from the dance she has just performed. “It’s a crazy surprise!“, adds the facilitator, happy to find the lovers. “It’s crazy ! I didn’t expect that at all!“, declares the candidate Carla, flattered to have been joined by one of the emblematic couples of Dance with the stars.

On the side of the jury, François Alu emphasizes the “very nice alchemy“dancers, Marie Agnès says she has”adored“their delivery underscoring that she was”lively, powerful and precise“. Chris Marques hails a “awesome salsa“while Bilal Hassani highlighted the coordination of dancers and surprise guests.”It’s the first time you’ve danced as a 4 and yet it looks like you’ve been doing this together all week. It was amazing“, he indicates.

On Twitter, many Internet users reacted to the surprise arrival of the couple. “9 years after their meeting on the floor of #DALS, the couple Alizée / Grégoire still lasts and remains more complicit than ever…“, “Seeing Alizee and Grégoire again is crazy, they always dance incredibly well. Little nostalgic side of their incredible season!“, “OMG the surprise return of Gregoire Lyonnet and Alizée!!!! #DALS #DALS12“, “I was 13 when Alizée and Grégoire won now I have 22 so many memories“, can we read on social networks.

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