“It’s a complete change of culture”, rejoices infectious disease specialist Gilles Pialoux

The Health Risk Monitoring and Anticipation Committee succeeds the Scientific Council: it will be responsible in particular for monitoring epidemics of Covid-19 and even monkeypox.

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The creation of a committee for monitoring and anticipating health risks to succeed the Scientific Council created during the Covid-19 pandemic “is a complete change of culture”rejoices on Wednesday August 17 on franceinfo the infectiologist Gilles Pialoux. “The real information is that it will be dedicated to global health. We will take care of human health, environmental health and animal health together. After H5N1, Ebola, chikungunya and the Covid, it is important to learn the lessons of history.”

>>Covid-19: “I never would have believed that the crisis would last so long”, confides Jean-François Delfraissy, on the eve of the dissolution of the Scientific Council

According to Gilles Pialoux, the work of this new committee will still be “complicated because it affects many ministries”whether at the level of“food industry”from “sustainable development”of the’“economy” or even“renewable energy”.

“The political implementation of all this scientific data will be complicated” but he thinks it’s a “priority”. “60% of human infectious diseases are of animal origin and 40% of crop losses are caused by communicable diseases.”

The head of the infectious and tropical diseases department at the Tenon hospital in Paris took the opportunity to “greet” the immunologist Brigitte Autran who will chair the committee succeeding the Scientific Council. “She is a comrade in the fight against AIDS. She has both the size, the scientific knowledge and perhaps the necessary perspective. Now we are waiting for the composition of this committee which must obviously be quite eclectic.”

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