Video length: 7 min
Legislative elections 2024: “It’s a choice of civilization”, believes Yannick Jadot
After the dissolution of the National Assembly and the organization of new legislative elections, polls show that the chamber could largely shift towards the extreme right. Guest of 19/20 info, Yannick Jadot, senator for Les Écologists, discusses the program of the New Popular Front.
After the dissolution of the National Assembly, new legislative elections will take place on June 30 and July 7. Guest of 19/20 info, Yannick Jadot, senator for Les Écologists, discusses the program of the New Popular Front.
The president of the RN, Jordan Bardella is now playing it safe after having made many promises during the European campaign. He will only agree to become Prime Minister if the National Rally obtains at least 289 seats in the National Assembly. “I am quite surprised by the nature of the debate. We move from June 18 to Jordan Bardella’s conditions to occupy Matignon. What does that say? June 18 is the Landing. The choice that is before us , for the legislative elections, it is truly a choice of civilization while France has been at the forefront of human rights at the global level for two and a half centuries.”judge Yannick Jadot, senator Les Écologues de Paris.
The RN is the big favorite in this election. The French seem to intend to confirm their sanction vote in the European elections. “The founders of the National Front, which became the National Rally, came from collaboration and participated in the Vichy regime (…) That is what is at stake in this election. Does our country want to be part of the national preference making foreigners the scapegoats of everything?assures Senator EELV.