Italy’s flagship coffee


France 2

Article written by

A. Mikoczy, L. Tositti, J. Cappellacci, O. Meignan – France 2

France Televisions

Coffee is the most consumed and popular drink in Italy. The country even applied to register its coffee Eespresso to the intangible heritage of Unesco.

Italy and the precious time shared in cafés. In Naples, the Gambrinusan institution founded in 1890, serves nearly 4,000 Expressos every day. ”Coffee is everywhere”according to Gennaro PonzianiManaging Director of Gambrinus. Coffee is a passion for Italians. ”Coffee in Naples is a rite, a whole ceremony”admits a resident. In Naples there are many legends around coffee as well as the solidarity tradition of the ”suspended coffee”. ”A particularly happy Neapolitan paid one or two more coffees, called ‘suspended’, which were worth afterwards for another person who arrived penniless and needed a coffee”, says Daniele Wolff, French-speaking guide. A tradition that still exists today.

40,000 people have signed the application for the Italian espresso to be included in the intangible heritage of Unesco. Every day, 30 million espressos are consumed in Italy, not including cappuccinos, Macchiato, etc.

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