Italy switches to compulsory vaccination for those over 50


France 3

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Vaccination becomes compulsory for over 50s in Italy. The Council of Ministers delivered its verdict on Wednesday January 5.

In Italy, the decision of the Council of Ministers fell on Wednesday January 5: vaccination will be compulsory for those over 50 years old. What does it consist of? “First, there is a control that can be done by the public health authority, if you are still an employee the fine can go up to 600 euros per month”, explains journalist Alban Mikoczy, live from Rome (Italy). Retirees will have to pay a fine of 100 euros.

“The Italian government made this decision because there are still a number of people who are not vaccinated in Italy”, of which around 15% are in the over 50 age group. “The government intends that they be vaccinated as soon as possible, because they are also currently found in Italian hospitals, and it is they who are the most serious forms of Covid-19”, continues Alban Mikoczy. Currently, 1,800 people are treated in emergency services in Italy, “very, very large majority” people over 50 years old.

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