“Italy has been denouncing the lack of European solidarity for a very long time”, explains François Gemenne

A crisis between Italy and France has been sparked by Gérald Darmanin’s criticism of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s migration policy.

“Italy has been denouncing the lack of European solidarity for a very long time” concerning migrants, said Friday May 5 on franceinfo François Gemenne, specialist in climate governance and migration, director of the Hugo Observatory at the University of Liège, teacher at Sciences-Po and the Sorbonne. Italy and France are in crisis after the remarks of Gérald Darmanin, who judged the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, “unable to resolve migration issues” from his country.

franceinfo: Italy has declared a state of emergency in the face of massive arrivals of migrants. What about?

Francois Gemenne: Since the beginning of 2023, there has been a significant increase in the number of arrivals and also in deaths on the Central Mediterranean route with almost more than 900 deaths since the beginning of the year on this route.

What is the policy in Italy regarding rescue at sea?

The Italian authorities passed a new law a few weeks ago which requires NGOs to return to a port after each rescue, whereas before they could save several boats and return to land. This delays relief operations and reduces the presence of NGOs in the central Mediterranean.

“There is a whole series of campaign promises, made by Giorgia Meloni, which were, as we knew, completely unrealizable, sometimes contrary to European or human rights. So there is a lot of posturing in this affair on the part of and other.”

François Gemenne, specialist in climate governance and migration

at franceinfo

Italy has often pointed the finger at the lack of solidarity. Is this still the case ?

This is still the case and it is a recurrent and legitimate criticism that countries located on the northern shore of the Mediterranean make to other European countries. Greece blamed other European countries for their lack of solidarity and for being alone. Italy has long denounced the lack of European solidarity. This is also what increases the exasperation of Italians and their vote for populist or extremist parties.

What does Italy want?

There is still no real common European policy on asylum and immigration. There is still no plan for the distribution of asylum seekers, still no plan for the reception and disembarkation of rescue ships. So, de facto, it is the countries on the northern shore of the Mediterranean that must receive the boats and register the asylum applications of those who arrive. Everyone recognizes that the system is outdated and that it must be reformed, but there is no agreement on a possible reform, so the situation remains blocked.

source site-25