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The party Fratelli d’Italia de Giorgia Meloni came out on top in the legislative elections that took place outfits Sunday September 25 in Italy. The journalist Raphael Schapiralive from Rome, Monday September 26, explains that Giorgia Meloni will have to compose his government and make it last.
The party Fratelli d’Italia, led by Giorgia Melonicame out on top in the general elections held in Italy on Sunday 25 September. To present, Giorgia Meloni will have to compose his government, and above all find the magic recipe to last. “It is true that the leader of the party is eagerly awaited on this issue by the Italians. It must be said that here, the average lifespan of a government is 18 months, and all the Italians we met say so: they’ve had enough”explains the journalist Raphael Schapiralive from Rome (Italy)Monday, September 26.
“For it to last, the coalition she leads with Silvio Berlusconi and Matteo Salvini must hold up. And despite the unity displayed, there are already dissensions. For example, Matteo Salvini is against the sanctions which target Russia, which is not the case with Giorgia Meloni. He is a Eurosceptic, which is not the case with Silvio Berlusconi”continues the journalist.