Italy enemy of GAFA penalized by a rain of fines

The American e-commerce giant Amazon has been fined 1.13 billion euros (1.6 billion dollars) in Italy, which has become the number one enemy of the web giants.

The Italian competition regulator has stepped up to the plate in 2021 by stepping up actions against Google, Amazon, Apple and Meta, owner of Facebook, in particular.

The Italian regulator accuses Amazon of abusing a dominant position by encouraging Italian sellers to use its own logistics service, Fulfillment by Amazon, “Planète-Business” reported on Friday.

Amazon denied any abuse and decided to challenge the decision of the Italian regulator.

“The fine and the proposed corrective measures are unjustified and disproportionate,” said a spokesperson for the American giant, quoted by the magazine.

Previously, Google was also fined 102 million euros for the same reasons, while for Facebook the Italian regulator imposed a fine of 7 million euros for its use of data.

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