“It would seem that the Russians are not making much progress”, says General François Chauvancy


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Jean Radvanyi, geographer and specialist in Russia and General François Chauvancy, consultant in geopolitics, are the guests of the 23 Hours newspaper.

For many observers, Russia did not expect such resistance from Ukraine. “What is quite astonishing is that during one of his interventions, Vladimir Putin asked the Ukrainian army to deliver Kiev and deliver the Ukrainian government. One wonders if he really expects it, which case there is total disinformation at the level of Russian power which is particularly worrying”testifies Jean Radvanyi, geographer.

“It reminds me of Groznyi in 1994, when Yeltsin launched his offensive against Chechnya and we have since known that the highest military leaders, including the Minister of Defense, told him ‘don’t worry, we will take Chechnya in one week’. We know what followed, it was the Russians who lost the war”, reports Jean Radvanyi, geographer and specialist in Russia. “It would seem that the Russians are not advancing much, that means that the Ukrainians are resisting, regardless of the number of deaths”explains General François Chauvancy, consultant in geopolitics.


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