it will be necessary “to close places to guarantee the safety of the little ones”, warns a group of professionals in early childhood

“The recruitment problems are explained by salaries that are too low”, sums up the spokesperson for the collective No babies at the locker, who denounces a “structural” shortage.

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“We have been saying for 20 years that we are going to have a problem”gets annoyed on Sunday August 28 on franceinfo Julie Marty-Pichon, the spokesperson for the collective No babies at the locker, while nurseries are facing significant staff shortages. “Nursery assistants, who are the first mode of reception in France, in 2030, 44% will be retired. Tomorrow is 2030, and we have not anticipated that, nor valued that, nor opened centers of training. At some point, politicians have to take their responsibilities”.

>> Crisis in nurseries: the concern of professionals after the authorization to recruit staff without the qualifications normally required

A ministerial decree allows from August 31 employers to hire an unqualified candidate, if he can prove that he has searched in vain for a qualified employee for at least three weeks. “We are very worried about this decree. The government has gone further, with this possibility of having 15% of untrained staff”she says. “The teams in place will not have the time to train these unqualified people. And even these people, if they arrive in conditions that are not optimal, they will not stay”.

“This decree will not solve the massive crisis we are experiencing. It is a patch policy, to try to keep places open at all costs.”

Julie Marty-Pichon, spokesperson for the collective No babies at the locker

at franceinfo

“Our professions are not recognized, not valued and the shortage is structural today”, denounces Julie Marty-Pichon, adding that recruitment problems are explained by too low salaries. It is mainly regions such as Île-de-France or Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur that are most affected by this shortage of personnel.

According to her, “if there are not enough staff”it will be necessary “close places in crèches to guarantee the safety of children or professionals, or reduce the time amplitudes”believes this early childhood professional.

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