“It will be difficult”, confides a member of the majority in the National Assembly, who fears a fiery debate

Outvoted several times during the examination of the text on the Covid-19, the government and its relative majority in the Assembly are tackling a big file, this Monday with the first major text of the quinquennium on the power of ‘purchase.

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The snub of early July is not yet completely digested for the government. Tuesday July 12, a text of law relating to the Covid did not collect enough votes to be promulgated in the National Assembly: tAll the opposition parties have come together to vote against the return of control of the health pass at the borders. And this situation gives cold sweats to the government and its relative majority in the face of the government’s most urgent issue: purchasing power.

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This Monday, July 18, the bill on purchasing power and its myriad of support measures arrive in the hemicycle, where the opposition intends to show the muscles. “It will be difficult“, comments the neo-deputy renaissance Paul Midy, who admits having received a “pressure stroke“During the debates on the health emergency. Far from being serene, the Macronist deputies are trying to turn the pressure around.”It will be hard for the opposition not to vote for concrete measures for purchasing power”, theorizes the elected official of Essonne, who believes that the epidermal debates around the health pass will, this time, be more peaceful.

Same intention with Prisca Thévenot who appreciated the work in committee, “harsh, hard, but successful“, she breathes. “We are not here to prepare for the next election,” continues the spokeswoman for the Renaissance group, who says “to be in a process of action“. To show its good will, this famous compromise, amendments from opposition deputies were adopted, in particular from Les Républicains deputies. The risk is however great that the discussion will ignite on subjects related to energy such the reopening of a coal-fired power station.The strategy is in any case simple for the majority: do not respond to the attacks and be present in the hemicycle, so as not to relive the humiliating defeat of the beginning of July.

Promised to the French in the summer in the face of galloping inflation, this bill of 20 articles “concerning emergency measures for the protection of purchasing power” passes first reading until Thursday, with more than one thousand amendments to the key. MEPs will continue with the examination of the draft amending budget for 2022 which should make it possible to finance and complete these measures. Among the main ones are the early revaluations of 4% of retirement pensions and social benefits, the 3.5% increase in the salary of public officials, a means-tested food check of 100 euros, to which 50 euros will be added. per child. There is also the extension of the fuel discount of 18 cents and the tariff shield on energy, the abolition of the audiovisual license fee or even the tripling of the Macron bonus (tax-free and desocialized).

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