“It went wrong …” in Dance with the stars: an ex-collaborator balances on the couples formed off

Participate in Dance with the stars in fact dream more than one! But such a program is not within everyone’s reach. In addition to intensive training and the stress of bonuses each week, the candidates but also the professional dancers of the TF1 competition are faced with various temptations… Because as Guillaume Genton points out in the Morning without filter on Virgin Radio this Thursday, October 6, 2022, a dance can be sensual and lead to other activities as a duo…

I worked on the show for yearslaunches the columnist of Cyril Hanouna in Do not touch My TV (C8). I can tell you thatthere are personalities or dancers, who are in a relationship or who are married and things have gone wrong.“Reconciliations that he explains later:”Every year there is. Because, in fact, you spend seven hours a day glued to a dance hall…“It is true that experience Dance with the stars creates strong bonds between candidates and their dancers.

Also present at the microphone of Virgin Radio, our Miss France 2022 Diane Leyre reveals that she could not “never leave [son] dude“to participate in such a show. And to add that it goes both ways: “If I was in a relationship, out of respect for my boyfriend, I wouldn’t. Because, indeed, even if I know how to control myself, the fact of being glued, body to body, like that, it would make me uncomfortable compared to my darling.“Words that Guillaume Genton easily understands.”This is temptation island, Dance with the stars !“, he continues, proud of his comparison.

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