“It went pretty quickly” Florent Ghisolfi talks about his departure for OGC Nice

Announced Monday by our colleagues from L’Equipe, the arrival of Florent Ghisolfi as sporting director of OGC Nice is formalized this Wednesday. While the Gym communicates on its social networks, Ghisolfi holds a press conference in Lens alongside Arnaud Pouille, the general manager of the RCL. “It went pretty quickly with the club that is asking me. The agreement was reached on Saturday and my priority was not to pollute the match against Lyon on Sunday. I managed to keep confidentiality and it is one of my strengths,“reveals Ghisolfi to the press.

“I prefer to leave the club with a heart full of good things”

Regarding the reasons which led him to accept the offer of Ineos, the former player of Bastia prefers to play discretion. “I will not dwell on my reasons because they are personal and belong to me. I keep this for my loved ones and those around me.” In effect, Florent Ghisolfi wants to get closer to Corsica for family reasons and this parameter is taken into account when deciding.

For those who are surprised by the departure of the architect of RC Lens for more than three years, Ghisolfi answers. “I invested myself for three and a half years like crazy. It’s very hard to leave the club. But I prefer to leave it with a heart full of good things. Lens is an incredible club, one of the most magical in France. The timing can be surprising. But I am not a player, not a coach. The “Less bad” timing in our function is the month of September. The transfer window is done, we did it as best as possible. It’s the moment that destabilizes the club the least.”

An arrival in Nice during the World Cup?

Regarding her arrival in Nice, she should not intervene for several weeks due to her contractual situation in the North. On a permanent contract in Lens, Ghisolfi must respect a notice period.We discuss to find the best solution for Lens. I will be present at the derby on Sunday, I announced it to the players. I wanted to be with them.” Florent Ghislfi could therefore take up his duties at the Gym at the time of the World Cup even if he is already working on the winter transfer window which could be particularly active this winter on the Côte d’Azur. In its press release, OGC Nice confirms that Ghisolfi will be accompanied in Nice by Grégory Thilwho had responsibilities in the Lens recruitment unit and who will join that of Nice.

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