Richard Williams, father of tennis champions Serena and Venus Williams whom Will Smith plays in his film, said through his son’s voice that he “did not endorse no violence against anyone“, according to NBC television. On Instagram, Will Smith also apologized to the “Williams family” and the film crew. He ended his open letter with words that resonate with everyone by reusing the expression “work in progress“: “I am improving.“
An ongoing investigation, possible sanctions
If the Los Angeles police took note of the incident without taking any further criminal action because Chris Rock did not wish to report, the Academy of Oscars announced the opening of an internal investigation. on this shocking event. “Academy condemns Will Smith’s actions on last night’s show“, wrote the organization in a statement sent to AFP. “We have officially started an investigatione”, specifies the Academy of Cinema Arts and Sciences, which will examine the follow-up to be given to the case with regard to its “regulations and California law“.
What is the risk of the actor, crowned for the first time at the Oscars shortly after the incident? Some have called on the Academy of Oscars to withdraw her award, but actress Whoopi Goldberg, one of the Academy’s administrators, said that would not be the case. “There will be consequences I’m sure, but I don’t think that’s what they’re going to do, especially because Chris Rock said he won’t press charges“, she said on television. Will Smith would therefore only expose himself to disciplinary sanctionswhich can range according to the Academy’s code of conduct from a simple reprimand to expulsion.
Voices are already rising on the Internet to compare the fact that the statuette can be removed from Will Smith, while producer Harvey Weinstein, convicted of rape and sexual assault, still has his, just like the controversial director. Roman Polanski, under the blow of accusations of sexual violence.