“It was time for France to take its place and be able to gain momentum”, reacts the Union of Renewable Energies

The promises made by Emmanuel Macron in Saint-Nazaire this Thursday delight the renewable energy sector, which points to the difficulties linked to the numerous legal appeals against wind farm projects.

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It was time for France to take its place in the charts“European”and can ramp up with this first park in Saint-Nazaire“, reacted Thursday, September 22 Jérémy Simon, deputy general delegate of the Renewable Energies Union (SER), in charge of wind power, on franceinfo. Emmanuel Macron said he wanted “go twice as fast” in the deployment of renewable energies, on the occasion of the inauguration of the first offshore wind farm in France off Saint-Nazaire (Loire-Atlantique). “Other European countries have already installed more than 5,000 wind turbines“, assures Jérémy Simon.

This technology”makes it possible to install powerful wind turbines, capable of capturing high winds and increasing the production capacity of electricity“, explains the representative of the Union of Renewable Energies. And according to him it is a clean energy: “Over the entire life cycle, this emits very little CO2. And we need French electricity to remain carbon-free since we will have to consume more and more electricity in the future.

If it took more than ten years for the Saint-Nazaire project to come out of the sea, it is in particular because “the regulatory and legislative framework was built up over time. It was necessary to adapt the legal framework for the development of these projects.“He also points”litigation appeals which are often very numerous, which concern the smallest decisions relating to the development of these projects.“Jérémy Simon finds”satisfying to hear from the executive the consideration of these legal and contentious obstacles.

The development objective of offshore wind power “fully in line with the objective announced by the President of the Republic, i.e. several dozen parks by 2050“, adds the deputy general delegate of the Syndicate of renewable energies.This will ultimately correspond to an occupation of a maritime domain of 2.8%, which is relatively low compared to the potential.“He also specifies that between”70 and 80 wind turbines can cover between 700,000 and one million people. This is the element to remember if you really want to understand the effectiveness of this technology.

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