“It was the Halloween of finances”, criticizes Clément Beaune about the budget vote in the National Assembly


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The program “Les 4 Vérités” receives, Tuesday, November 1st, Clément Beaune, Minister Delegate in charge of Transport of France. He returns to the various motions of censure and the vote on the budget that took place in the National Assembly.

Invited on the set of France 2 in the emission of the 4 Truths, Tuesday, November 1st, Clément Beaune, Minister Delegate in charge of Transport of France returns on the recent tensions which took place in the National Assembly and in particular on the budgetary choices.We have seen exactly what is happening on this budget, that is to say the irresponsibility, the alliance of opposites, a lot of cynicism”criticizes Clément Beaune.It was the Halloween of public finances. You have in three hours 15 billion euros which have been voted by the Nupes and the National Rally“, underlines the minister who points the finger at the irresponsibility of these parties.

The motions of no confidence were again defeated, which will likely bring a fourth 49.3 in the coming days. The right do Is she not likely to vote for these motions and so as to overthrow the government ? Clement Beaune hope that the right will allow time for reflection so as not to overthrow a government just to overthrow it. “It is to govern together, or it is simply to have the pleasure of saying: ‘we don’t want this or that’?, he asks. The Minister salutes in passing the choice of the Republicans who did not seals at the National Rally nor at the Nudes.

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